Solutions for the green revolution

ALC Bio Innovations is a R&D corporation specializing in sustainable solutions to support the future of the living planet.


Our mission is to generate bio-responsible products that minimize the global negative ecological impact of human consumption.

Purposes served


Human Health

We formulate innovative natural health products that utilize organic compounds to deliver real alternatives to big pharma.

Animal Health

Innovative feed supplements that naturally and affordably increase animal vitality and the value of their byproducts.

Plant Health

We formulate effective and affordable solutions that allow for transitioning agriculture to organic inputs.


Soil Remediation

We create formulations that tie up toxins in the soil, free up restricted nutrients and promote diverse soil life.

Water Remediation

Organic formulations that cleanse water ecosystems from excess fertilizer runoff and toxic algae. Sustainable and non-disruptive.

Composting & Fermentation

These products increase organic nutrient cycling and aid in the retention of key elements for use on the farm.


We are fermenting change


It begins with an idea - A seed.

The seed was planted over 10 years ago; the idea that if we followed the laws of nature and studied the commonalities between living beings, we could create products that promote vitality no matter the species… Be it a plant, animal, or human.

Today, ALC Bio Innovations is in the market with natural health products that are improving existing systems and mitigating the negative footprint of intensive human practices. All of our products are formulated to promote balance and vigour.

Fermented Nanotechnology


We utilize a proprietary process to formulate our dynamic products. We will continue to drive innovations in the natural product space, focusing on formulations that provide effective alternatives.

Who we work with